I just wanted to dedicate this picture to my favorite Uncle John, because in my previous post about the bean museum, he mentioned that he and my dad used to go visit Shasta at the zoo when they were kids. Talk about the circle of life. Any way I had no idea that Ligers were a real animal until we moved up here, I thought they were just a joke. Poor Shasta. But on a more positive note it's nice that he(or she, I'm not sure what gender it is) can entertain generations of children. I like to think that might mean something to the poor animal.
Funny thing...I can't remember Shasta having six legs (as SHE does in this pic). I can't help but notice Esther clutching her ferret in front of Shasta. Are you prepared to live with a girl whose destiny may be closely connected to animals? Anyway..thank you for my picture! With or without your permission I will save it in another spot.
I like Ester's liger impression there! Fun times!
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