Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Our second far

Well the miracle of life has decided to settle on us yet again, and we're about 24 weeks into it. We just had our targeted ultrasound on Monday, and we got to see baby #2's face for the first time. This was amazing and strange to me, because we never got to see Esther's little face while she was still cooking. He looked a little bit impish and a bit squished but amazing all the same. Esther was being very good for most of the ultrasound (she finds them entertaining) but got bored about halfway through and wanted to wander around the office (with me powerless of course in the chair). I managed to get her to hold my hand which she did, but thought it would be funny to lick it. When she got bored with that, she decided it would be great to chew on my shoe. When the technician saw this she decided we got enough good shots of Ezra and gave Esther a sucker.