Thursday, December 20, 2007

Esther eats snow

Here is Esther eating her first snowflake with her favorite aunt Abby newly arrived from Boston. She has developed this strange throaty laugh that is very contagious. She cracks us all up. I'm the person standing in the doorway keeping warm, appreciating this memorable scene from a distance. This winter storm began with hail and thunder and lightning. I never.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Here is Esther on Thanksgiving day, we were trying to kill some time before a later dinner, so we bundled up and took the dog on a walk. Esther loves taking loo loo out.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Here is Esther saying her animal sounds, I forgot to have her moo, that was one of the first ones she could do. Meowing was the second....I'm not sure why her sheep sounds more like an old man laughing.

Here is Esther mowing at the mow. She loves chainsaw, although lately she's taken to trying to ride him which I am certain he does not appreciate. He is a good kitty though and has never tried to hurt her.

This was on Friday night when I was busy preparing dinner for some cousins coming to visit. Esther was bored and the next thing I knew she was clomping around in my shoes, although it wasn't easy for her, they kept on falling off. It was so funny, I just wish I could have gotten one that wasn't blurry.

Ahh the joys of babysitting......Here is Esther and Korbin having fun with our french doors. I don't even try to keep them clean anymore. (not that I tried so hard before). Korbin is one of my good friends children, he is 3 and a half and I watch him two days a week. Him and Esther play well together for the most part, and I imagine this is giving me good practice on having two children.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Me and Lizzi at the Getty. I wish we could have spent more time here, we didn't get to see much in just a few hours. But it was peaceful being in all that art's presence. I also wished I would have worn more practical shoes, and pants that weren't so tight around me middle.

Here is the infamous "pooch" as her is known in our family. He seems to have gotten a bit of a tan and looks quite healthy. Well maybe not in this picture, but he did look like the sun has done him good.
We went to California last weekend to spend some time with the pooch (Joey). He seems to be doing great, and we had a lot of fun. This picture was taken at Disneyland, Lizard couldn't resist trying to take a bite out of this giant candy corn, although she may have scared some small children in the process.

Here I am at 24 weeks, I wasn't very good about taking monthly pictures with Esther and the pattern hasn't changed with this one, but better late than never (my life motto). I'm big enough now to be getting comments though, most of them nice, and all well intentioned I'm sure.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Welcome to our families very first blog!

Hello everyone, family and friends, pets and whatnots, and welcome to the first ever Frost-enport Family Site! I hope you enjoy this page as it becomes a mini documentary for what is happening in our lives now. So until I get some pictures and other things posted toodle-ooo!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Our second far

Well the miracle of life has decided to settle on us yet again, and we're about 24 weeks into it. We just had our targeted ultrasound on Monday, and we got to see baby #2's face for the first time. This was amazing and strange to me, because we never got to see Esther's little face while she was still cooking. He looked a little bit impish and a bit squished but amazing all the same. Esther was being very good for most of the ultrasound (she finds them entertaining) but got bored about halfway through and wanted to wander around the office (with me powerless of course in the chair). I managed to get her to hold my hand which she did, but thought it would be funny to lick it. When she got bored with that, she decided it would be great to chew on my shoe. When the technician saw this she decided we got enough good shots of Ezra and gave Esther a sucker.