I guess first I should acknowledge that the Holidays are over, and just like every year before I have vowed to make next years Holidays more filled with presents that my own hands have created. I have been vowing that every January for at least the last three years and it still has yet to happen, but I am nothing if not optimistic and fantasy-filled so maybe the Christmas of 2009 has a shot to be tear jerkingly hand made. I was just reading my father's blog about his recovery and admiring what a good writer he is (while he was admiring what a good writer my sister Lizzi is but can she type one hanbded while breastfeediong and smellibng toxic baby fumesd isd wghat iwanrt to know. Because I obviously can.) Then I went to the Lizards blog which I have to say, out of all the blogs I have read I find Lizzi's to be quite entertaining and out of the norm. Anyway, they have both inspired me to, if possible, write a little bit more about our daily happenings than just the basics. The kids are both in their restraints (Esther in the highchair and Ezra in the excersaucer) and Brock is dutifully sleeping on the couch, trying his hardest to ignore the sounds around him I'm sure. I imagine if I'm serious about this thing I will either have to do it late at night or early in the morning. But for now I have a moment. Or moments I should say. Interrupted by little bugs screaming, "Mom I have to go potty!" and then, "Mom I'm done!" followed by, "I have the toots and the cough-es". Now then where were we.....well I guess I will start with how my Holidays went. Everyone close to us (and perhaps a few who aren't) know that our beloved pappy has spent close to a month in the Huntsman Cancer Institute due to complications from his prostate removal. So that was different. Spending Christmas and New Years in a Hospital I mean. But praise the Lord he is free at last (last Monday) and so now he is home and you can read all about his trials on his blog. Being in the hospital was hard, but also gave this Christmas much more obvious meaning I am sure you can imagine. (It also gave me a good excuse to not have any Christmas presents for anyone ready.) Life is about nothing if not love and relationships. This I am sure of more than anything else. And seeing someone you love so much sick in a hospital bed makes you appreciate what really matters in life. I have to agree with Lizzi, I think that we will look back on that time in the hospital as something very painful, but in it's pain very special.
Now some other highlights of the Holidays, let's shee here...... Brock got me my first ipod, goes by the name of ichapod crane. He had it inscribed on the back along with something loving in french (which always scores high points with me). This year was the first that I had to stop myself from buying Esther everything because I know how much she would love to play with them. In fact I ended up giving her only two presents that we bought and saving the rest for her birthday in April. She got a dressy Daisy dolly (which is naked most of the time) and one of those mini stroller sets that comes with a car seat and swing and all of that stuff. She of course loved both of them, she named her doll Etsy (actually my mom named her Betsy and Esther in her toddler-ness shortened it to Etsy.) Little brother got a walker, one of two (the other given by papa and grandma Jeri). By the second day he was walking with both, and today he is walking without either! He is getting better and better and we were all pretty excited about it because Esther didn't walk until after she was one. I guess those second babies got to step it up a notch if they want to play the game.
Me and Brock saw Benjamin Button, which we both enjoyed thoroughly. Some say it was to long, but I felt that it had to be that long, to get a good feel of a man's whole life flashing before your eyes in what seemed almost three hours. Of course most things make me cry these days, so I don't know if you could measure it's greatness by that. I'll just say that it was made well in my opinion, and we will no doubt be adding it to our collection of movies.
We also went to Body World last Tuesday, and I have to say despite all my desires to be modern and educated.....it kind of creeped me out. By the end of it I was ready to go, if you've seen one plasticized organ, tissue, bone skeleton art exhibit you've seen them all. But on the other hand I would have regretted not seeing it, as I most likely would not have had the opportunity again. I could write more on this but the bells of motherhood are dinging me in the head so I will have to end this entry. But please expect...nay demand that I continue on in this fashion. I thank you for your time and interest. Goodbye.