Sunday, December 14, 2008

My first sad little gingerbread house

This is the first gingerbread house that i have ever baked and assembled all by myself. In elementary school I was always in the class that wasn't making gingerbread houses (which looking back seems truly cruel to let one half of the grade do something the other half couldn't.) Anyway the house was hard to put together because the sides were mismatched and the icing wasn't thick and holding the pieces together. But one must start somewhere and as I would like this to become a family tradition there is no time like the present. Besides it doesn't look half bad from far away if you squint a little.


Angela said...
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Angela said...

I think it looks cute and I didn't even squint!
Sorry to hear about your Dad. I'm sure God will take care of him and he will have a full recovery! I'll keep him in prayer.

Sarah said...

Hi Annie!
I love the new family pic! You guys are all so adorable...Well, don't tell Brock I called him adorable...change it to "handsome" for him!
Anyway, we are constantly thinking of Uncle Tom and you guys. You are in our prayers, and I know everything will be ok and you'll get your papa home in no time!!
Lots of love...