Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thanks for keeping it classy mother nature.

NO THANKS for pretending it's WINTER when we all know it should be SPRING!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ezra's 3rd Bday Party!!!

See, I told you I would post some Birthday pictures before the week was out, and look at this it's the same day! But that's how I roll sometimes:) I would have liked to post the best pictures with this post but I had left my camera at home in the stroller (doh!) So the pictures you see in the slideshow are all taken by my dads camera and my little brothers fiance Gracies waterproof camera (she is the pretty blonde in alot of the pictures:) I wasn't clever enough to figure out how to get the pictures on my computer so I just did a slideshow with the picasa website. Not that any of that is very interesting. Anyway, a little about the birthday boy and his partay:

Ezra and I started planning this shark party ummm let's see here, last fall? Sharks were his first boyish love, which ironically started when I would read the little mermaid to Esther. Ezra demanded that I turn it to the shark pages over and over. So that's where the shark party theme came from. Naturally several months later he was only semi in love with sharks and fully in love with airplanes, rockets, planets and marbles, but we'd been talking about his shark party long enough that he still wanted one. It's been lots of fun to watch Ezra because he really gets fixated on certain toys like the ones named above, where Esther has always loved all manner of toys (girlish in nature of course) but has never had favorites.
We had the party at an indoor wave pool in Layton called surf-n-swim. It snowed alot the night before and when I woke up that morning I thought for sure not very many people would make it, since some were coming from far off places. But everyone came that said they were and I have to say, I think it was our funnest party yet! It was nice having it at a place where you don't have to entertain everyone since I am not a huge fan of party games. Little by little I think I am getting better at being organized so it seemed like there was minimal stress for this get together. My in-laws are always the first to arrive at every Birthday party we've had which in the past meant they also had to help with all the things I hadn't got done yet. This time I knew if everything was ready by the time they arrived then in my mind my party was a success! And it was!
We were very grateful for everyone that was able to be there and can't wait to start planning Ezra's next bday....his first REAL bday:) (ok that's a lie I can wait, at least until Esther's bday is passed) Here is a picture of Ezra with his two sharks, Acorn and Hanchor (named for what I told Ezra I was making so he wouldn't suspect what they really were) both of which were crocheted.
p.s. just click on the slideshow if you'd like to see bigger pictures

Big chair or little kids?

Hello everyone, how does this Marchy day find you? I was on facebook wasting my valuable momming time as usual, when all of a sudden I got the urge to put a post on my blog. This picture was taken in January which is a testament to how much I've been using my camera lately (not much). Who knew that they make camping chairs for giants. Like my earlier post mentioned I have been meaning to get back in blogging action, it's only my terrible perfectionism and procrastination that's been stopping me. I think I am the worst kind of perfectionist because I would like things to be a certain way, but I am too lazy to stay dedicated and focused to make it so. Ah well. I'm going to try very hard to put up a post about Ezra's 3rd Bday (aka shark party) this week. So keep your fingers crossed my faithful 9:)